Comparison of office Visit and Telepsychiatry


seen within 48 hours of Appointment.

Atlanta Tele-Psychiatry offers a very affordable fees for the patients and once stable you are seen every 2 months which brings your payment down to average of $65 /month.
Do not delay your treatment till you end up in a crisis and pay several thousand dollars to inpatient psychiatric facility.

Call us today at 678- 562-2081 to schedule your appointment today. You are seen within 48 hours of scheduled appointment.

Comparison of office Visit and Telepsychiatry

Traditional office Visit                                   Tele-Psychiatry
Cost of Initial Visit:                      $400-4$50.                                                  $200-$250

Cost of Follow Up Visit:                  $180-$230                                                   $125-$150
Hidden Cost:                                       Gas Fees                                                       None
Loss of time away from Job:                  1-4 hours None
Easy access and convenience More difficult Very easy

Quality of received treatment Same quality Same quality

Satisfaction of patients with treatment Satisfied Very satisfied

Comparison of office Visit and Telepsychiatry
Traditional office Visit Tele-Psychiatry
Cost of Initial Visit

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