Atlanta Telepsychiatry.

Dealing with mental health problems can be challenging. If you are struggling with a mental health condition, you should seek the assistance of a psychiatrist. However, looking for a psychiatrist nearby might be a very difficult task because of acute shortage of psychiatrists across the nation. This causes long waiting period of several months. This subsequently leads to psychiatric crisis or emergency requiring hospitalization causing several thousand dollars. You don’t have to go through that expensive route. You can begin your treatment within 48 hours or less, of contacting Atlanta Tele Psychiatry at Or call us at 678-562-2081 for immediate video consultation.

Commonly Treated Disorders!

Medication Management

Managing medication to overcome a health condition is something that you should take seriously. It is important to seek a healthcare expert and receive assistance with medication management. Then you will be provided with all useful information on how to manage your medication accordingly. You will be provided with a proper plan to follow. If you can follow the plan, you can end up with getting the results that you always wanted to have. Atlanta Tele Psychiatry specializes in medication management of multitude of psychiatric disorders. Contact us today to begin your immediate journey to recovery. 

Depression is a common health problem among many people. If not adequately and promptly treated it can lead to major health problems. It can even ruin your entire life. A series of video consultations with Atlanta Tele Psychiatry will be able to provide you with care and assistance you need to overcome the depressive thoughts that are going through your mind. All you need to do is contact us at or call us at 678 -562-2081 to seek the assistance of an expert psychiatrist. You will love the results that, along with the ability to overcome depression.
Anxiety Disorder

Do you struggle with nervousness, tension, excessive worry and impaired focus? Then you probably have anxiety disorder. This is another common mental health problem that people out there in the world encounters in the face of many socio-economic problems and the Covid 19 pandemic ravaging our communities. There are multiple treatment options available to treat people who struggle with anxiety disorder. Our expert psychiatrist is in a position to provide all the support that you need to overcome anxiety disorder. Contact us today at 678-562-2081

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorders are common disorder that affects both children and adult. The symptoms of bipolar disorder if untreated can cause devastating effects on all areas of life that includes social, family and occupational function. You should never ignore bipolar disorder at any given circumstance. Our psychiatrist will be able to provide a treatment plan, which you can follow and provide the relief that is needed so you can function at your optimal best. Contact us at 678-562-2081 to begin your treatment.

ADHD is another health issue that is mostly faced by kids and adults. If your performance is far less than your capabilities, you are fidgety and gets easily distracted. You might have a problem with ADHD. Hence, you should go ahead and seek help from our psychiatrist. By contacting Atlanta Tele Psychiatry at or call us at 678-562-2081
Panic Disorder
Panic disorders are another type of anxiety disorder that can negatively impact the lives of people. A panic disorder can bring sudden feelings of terror into your life. There would not be a reason for real danger, but you will feel that because of the nature of the health condition. On top of that, you will also notice that you are losing control over your life. This is entirely a mental health condition, but it is associated with physical symptoms as well. For example, people who struggle with panic disorders may experience a rapid heartbeat, muscle tension, shortness of breath chest pain, increased sweating, diarrhea, nausea and mental fog. Our video consultation service is one of the quickest and most effective ways available for you to get the relief you need from a board-certified psychiatrist. Contact us at or call us at 678-562-2081
Obsessions & Compulsions

Obsessions and compulsions are associated with unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors. This is something that you need to be mindful about. That’s because it can create a major impact on the day-to-day activities that you are engaging with. These feelings can come your way at any given time. On the other hand, the feelings can lead you to significant distress. This is the reason; it is important for you to act accordingly and overcome the problems that it can trigger. By seeking the assistance of an expert psychiatrist, you will figure out how to manage the health issue without a struggle. Contact us at 678-562-2081

How To Get Your Video Consultations?

It is a known fact that most psychiatrists have a long waiting period of several months. In most cases you need to travel quite far before you can see one. Atlanta Tele Psychiatry is here to bridge this gap by providing quality care for you in your own familiar environment via video consultations. This is one of the quickest and most effective ways available for you to get in touch with a psychiatrist. Our psychiatrist can see you within 48 hours or less of contacting us. Provided you are a good fit for our program and submitted all the required paperwork. Our patients are pleased with the services rendered and rate the quality of care received as commensurate to the one received in the face-to-face office sessions with reduced risk of stigma. What are you waiting for, contact Atlanta Tele Psychiatry now and begin your treatment without any further delay. Call 678-562-2081. You will be pleased with the result!

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